Changeset [15beea6b932c5c780a87cca64134852ed1f32bdd] by Ian White

September 19th, 2009 @ 07:50 PM

Removed all vestiges of loading enclosing resources via recognised route, updated specs accordingly

Committed by Ian White

  • R spec/lib/route_enclosing_names_spec.rb
  • M lib/ardes/resources_controller.rb
  • M lib/ardes/resources_controller/request_path_introspection.rb
  • M spec/controllers/forum_posts_controller_spec.rb
  • M spec/controllers/tags_controller_spec.rb
  • M spec/controllers/tags_controller_via_account_info_spec.rb
  • M spec/controllers/tags_controller_via_forum_post_spec.rb
  • M spec/lib/load_enclosing_resources_spec.rb
  • M spec/lib/request_path_introspection_spec.rb
  • M spec/lib/resources_controller_spec.rb
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resources_controller is a rails plugin that eases the pain of RESTful controllers.